Gene Keys Offerings


The Gene Keys provide a clear and actionable reflection of your unique energetic blueprint. Your chart clearly outlines the energies that are aligned for you to embody and the areas of you life to activate them.

What You Can Expect

 - Clarity on what's holding you back

- Actionable steps to raise your frequency

- Reflection and validation of what is authentic to you

- Empowering reflects to take ownership over how and where you express yourself

- Space to ask questions

- Guidance around where to find answers to your questions

Exchange: $333 USD

This price includes a thorough assessment of your questionnaire and study of your chart in preparation for your reading.

Our call will be 1.5 hours long and you will receive a link to download the call recording within 24 hours.

* Please use the email below to discuss an energy exchange of equal value.


$44 $7

Pre-Recorded Video Training

What Are The Gene Keys?

How to Read Your Gene Keys Chart

How to Apply it to Your Life

These bite-sized videos are designed to be practical and easily understood to support you in your journey of self-discovery and turn your authentic expression into action for the greatest impact.


I've been exploring the Gene Keys since 2021 and they have had a profound impact on my life.

When I first found the Gene Keys I was at a cross-roads in my life. I was scanning various modalities, trying to find clarity around my purpose. At the time I was feeling incredibly confused, frustrated and disheartened. I was highly distracted and I knew it, which only compounded the situation.

The three simple words explaining the various frequencies of my Life's Work Gene Keys changed everything for me. I experienced such a profound energetic shift that I continued down the path of studying and sharing the Gene Keys with others. The outward expression of my life didn't change overnight but my inward experience did. I  felt a deep sense of trust and clarity in the direction my life was taking and the process I was in.

My Gene Keys Chart provided me with a roadmap that I was confident following. I've been following that road map for 3+ years now and I can safely say that the outward expression of my life has changed drastically. I am aligned with the frequency that I came here to embody. My experience of life truly is freedom living. I understand myself on a level so deep that I am not thrown my life's hurdles because I know how to activate my power to work with them and allow life to flow through me.